Tyson has told me that his mom used to say to him "Do you stay up at night thinking of ways to make my life miserable?!"
Well, yesterday was the first time I've felt like saying that to Jeffrey! He's always been a little terror but then he really showed it.
First of all, when it was time to change his poopy diaper he would not hold still! There was no way to make him stop rolling over and getting up-so after 5 minutes of trying to get him to lay down, I decided I would just throw him in the tub. The bath was ok- he enjoyed being in the water but would still not let me wash him very easily. Then again, at putting-a-clean-diaper-on time, all he wanted to do was run around and climb on the couch naked.
As I'm writing this, it doesn't seem like as big a deal, but I wanted to pull my hair out yesterday!! Oh man! That kid doesn't like to hold still for 2 seconds. I really hope his sister is a little more calm!
Thankfully, though, he eventually took a 2 1/2 hour nap and I was able to get the house all clean for Tyson! I felt so good after that!
By the way, this is what Jeffrey would look like if he decided to grow his hair out... what a pretty girl!