20 Years ago:
1. I was 2 years old, living in the Everett house. I was my mom's best little buddy!
10 Years ago:
1. I was 12 years old, just starting Young Womens.
2.I went to my first girl's camp and put my hair in braids.
3.I was an awkward pre-teen starting middle school- I loved Hanson, Redwall books, sleepovers and of course, boys!
5 Years ago:
1. 17 years old, a senior at Mesa High School- I was involved in cross country, track, choir, the musical Once Upon a Mattress and AP classes.
2.Given the Most Valuable Runner award on my cross country team (along with my best friend Angie)
3. Still Boy crazy! My friend Tiffany frequently asked me "Kim, who's your COW?" (Crush Of the Week). Many of these crushes were the cute sophomores in my choir class :)
3 Years ago:
1. 19 years old- My world revolved around Tyson! We met on Apr 4th, I broke up with my boyfriend on Apr. 8th, we went on our first (official) date Apr. 16th, kissed on Apr 23rd, he proposed on Apr. 26th, I said yes on May 1st, we were married Aug. 26th!
2. It's a miracle I passed any of my classes at MCC
2. I went back east on a YSA Joseph Smith History tour- my best friend Angie was my roomie and she met her future husband, Duane, there.
3. I worked at Jamba Juice and had a blast there!
4. I got pregnant with Jeffrey
1 Year ago:
1. Jeffrey was 1 year old
2. We were still new in the Keating ward and I was getting to know people
3. I discovered Twilight! And haven't looked back since- I'm hooked! (P.S. only 16 more days till Breaking Dawn comes out!)
Yesterday I:
1. Helped my mother in law watch my little niece and nephew
2. Went to dinner at Chili's
3. Ate super delicious oatmeal cookies.
4. Got about 4 hours of sleep.
Today I:
1. Actually got to take a shower!
2. Made my bed
3. Will hopefully go grocery shopping
4. Gave Emily big squeezes!
Tomorrow I Will:
1. Continue my daily ritual of cleaning my room and the kitchen
2. Give Jeffrey and Emily lots of loves
3. Jump on the trampoline with Jeffrey
4. maybe even get to watch a movie with Tyson!
In the next year:
1. I will not get pregnant again! (please please please!)
2. I might take some classes at BYUI
3. Live rent- free for as long as possible
4. Quell my Twilight obssesion
Mitchell's 13th Birthday!
1 month ago