Sunday, November 23, 2008

Time to recap the last month...

We now live in Rexburg! Brock bought a house here really close to campus, so we moved into help him take care of it. Its a super cute house- built in 1915. It still has a lot of the original windows and wood- I'll get pictures up soon! Today was our second week in the new ward, and I've already found a fellow Twilighter! Speaking of which...

I went to the midnight showing of Twilight on Thursday! Wow! I loved it, absolutely. I thought they did a fantastic job being true to the book, and the actors really got the essence of Edward and Bella. I cant wait to go see it again!    My sister in law Natalie went with me and we had a blast. It was no neat to have some girl time away from the kids, and do something totally out of the ordinary. One funny moment that happened- of course the theatre was packed with teenagers, so I was commenting to Natalie about one particular loud one right in front of us.  It was a boy, so I was thinking that he was just there to impress the girls. Well, it turns out that it was Natalie's cousin!! I felt kind of humbled for judging him so quickly, although she said she does remember him being fairly obnoxious, so not much has changed. hehe. 

Emily all of a sudden decided she liked formula better than what I could give her. One day she just wouldn't nurse! So after a couple scary days of her not drinking much, I decided to try formula, and she took to it right away and hasn't looked back. Its kind of nice, I feel free!

Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!