I guess I really need to spend more time on Blogger- I can't figure out how to add pictures and text how I want it...so here's a separate written update!
These last couple months have been pretty crazy for us! I started my first semester of school at BYU-Idaho. Luckily it was Tyson's off-track, so we got used to me going to school without having to balance his schedule also. It is tough being away from the kids during the day! I wasn't even gone that long-only 3 or 4 hours each day- but they sure missed me. Tyson and I definitely appreciate each other a lot more now. It is really hard going to school and always having some deadline hanging over your head, and Tyson realizes that being stuck in the house with 3 rambunctious kids can really make your head spin. :) But it's been a really good experience! I got 2 A's and a B, so I must be doing ok at the balancing act :)
We found out on New Years Day that we'll be adding another little one to our family this year! It definitely wasn't in our plans (is it ever??), but I think it's good timing.
Jeffrey has been in Kindergarten this year and he loves it sooo much! I ask him what he loves about going to school and he says "Everything! We learn about so many things!" I'm glad he loves it- we'll just see if he can keep the positive attitude after it gets a little bit more challenging next year. I'm sure he will though- he has such an active brain and loves to know how everything works and why. He is a fabulous big brother (most of the time!) and he will always share when we ask him to and will give out hugs very willingly , especially to Tanner.
Emily is wild and crazy at home, but shy as can be out in public. In some ways, she reminds me a lot of me when I was little! She is obsessed with being pretty, and hates wearing jeans. Her standard outfit is a pink shirt, pink skirt and tights. She loves to dance- we really need to get her enrolled in ballet! I really think she would do well.
Tanner is a bucket of fun! I've come to realize that 2 is my favorite age! He talks up a storm, and loves to copy whatever Jeffrey does. I absolutely love his hugs- he'll just come up to me randomly and hug my legs, or wrap his arms around my neck, or grab my hand and drag me to the fridge for a drink. :) The little stinker won't stay in bed though...he recently learned how to climb out of his bed (the pack n play he's been sleeping in since he was born) and up to the top bunk bed, so we took it down and he shares that bed with Jeffrey now. Those boys love to play and keep each other awake though, so we may have to re-think that :)
The next semester of school is Tyson's last! He is so excited to graduate- its been a long road for this 4 year degree. He has been staying really busy building up his tennis lessons. His students (and their parents!) just love him to bits. He has even gotten several requests to coach at the local high schools. He just loves coaching, and has even been working really hard on improving his own game. He will be coaching one of the intramural teams on campus this year, and he has his eye set on a certain player who beat him last year.
I guess thats it for us...I'll probably update this again sometime next year!
Mitchell's 13th Birthday!
1 month ago