Now that I'm officially graduated with My Associates Degree (Prestigious, I know!), I have been saving up money for the fall semester by working for Kim's Dad. We've been fixing up a duplex for a lady who is moving from a really nice house in Ahwatukee to a duplex in chandler. We've also been doing a few thigs on the really nice house.
Her Mom lives in the other half of the duplex.
When I say that she is moving from a really nice house, I mean a REALLY nice house. Like, $800,000 nice.
The duplex is much nicer now that we've been fixing it up. It has new carpet and tile, new appliances, new cabinets, new paint, new front door, even new door stoppers. But, it is an old house.
Anyways, this is not why I am writing...
While working on the really nice house in Ahwatukee, I was puzzled... I think that this lady is in her forty's, the house that she lived in was georgous, but I think that she lived alone. To the best of my knowledge, she doesn't have any kids, and is not married. That big ol house seemed so lonely. I just think that it would suck to not have a family to come home to.
So, one day while I was working at the big ol house, thinking about how lonely the big beautiful expensive house would be if you lived all by yourself, even with all the nice artwork, and the pool, and the Hi-Def flat pannel TV, and a cat... I noticd a book that this lady owned. The title of the book was...
Are Men Really Needed?
What do you all think?
Mitchell's 13th Birthday!
3 weeks ago