Hey Everyone, This is Tyson writing and that little gal you're looking at is Emily Rose Higham. Isn't she darling?
I am just the most lucky guy in the world at this moment, and let me tell you why...
In Monday, Dec. 31st, Kim went to the Doctor for a routine visit to check on her and baby as she was three weeks from her due date of Jan. 19th. It had been just a great pregnancy. At the last appointment a few weeks prior, Doc said that Everything was looking so good that she didn't need to come back in for a few weeks, although it is not uncommon for women at this stage of a pregnancy to be seen every week. Anyways, back to Monday the 31st. When the doc was listening for baby's heartbeat, he couldn't seem to find it because the heart beat he was hearing was beating at about 70 beats a min. and a baby's heartbeat should bet at between 120 and 150 beats a minute, so the doctor thought that it was Kimberly's heatbeat that he was hearing.
Upon further inspection he realized that it fact it was baby's heartbeat.
So Doctor Nelson sent Kimberly straight to the hospital.
When Kim got out to the car, she gave me a call and told me what I just told you. She was obviously very upset and sounded very scared. I tried to calm her the best I could, I told her that I loved her very much and that everything would probably be OK and to just be sure and drive safely and not crash on the way to the hospital and to give me a call when she arrived.
I then called her mom and told her that I needed a ride to the hospital as Kim had the car.
When Kim's mom and Jeffrey (luckily Grandma has a spare carseat) and I got to the hospital the first person that we saw was a nurse with the name Kimberly and when I saw her badge I commented that it was my wife's name. She asked what my last name was, so I told her. The nurse then told me that Kim was in recovery.
"Recovery????" I asked
"Yes, she delivered via c-section"
Wow, what a surprise.
I'm going to sum up the rest... When Kim got to the hospital the baby's heartbeat was still 70 bpm so they did what's called a crash and got that baby out as quickly as possible.
Kim has been a trooper through this whole thing. First she was so worried about losing the baby and had to drive to the hospital scared and alone, and then had to get sliced practically in half to get the baby out. She delivered at about 11:00 AM and didn't get to hold Emily til about 6:00 PM becasue Emily had to stay in the nursery til they had performed several tests to see what was up with her heart.
Kim has been so brave and has had such a good attitude. She is my hero!!!
Also When a baby's heartrate is as low as Emily's was for as long as it was, they shouldn't survive. For whatever reason, she not only survived, but she is perfectly healthy. She had an irregular heatbeat for the first 24 hours but it went away and the doctors say that everything is great.
We are very blessed!