Well, it's definitely been a long time since I've written anything up here. I guess my life just isn't exciting enough to write about. :)
Just kidding, we've got a fun life!
Tyson's twin brother Brock moved in with us a couple weeks ago to go to school at MCC. It's definitely been different having someone live with us- I'm just now getting used to it. It's a little tricky adding someone elses schedule into ours and having more dishes to do, and man! Does he drink a lot of milk!!! I think between Brock and Jeffrey guzzling it (and all of us having cereal at least once a day) we go through about a gallon a day. Whew! Good times though...at least he's getting his protein...:)
Jeffrey is, by far, the cutest boy alive. I know you all think you have the cutest kids too, but you're probably just biased because their yours (not that I'm biased at all)! Hehe! I love how he just picks up on things...like recently he started knocking on doors. With a closed fist and everything! I can't even remember knocking in front of him, but he knows how now. He's picking up on copying some words too, when he feels like it. He can say "moo" when he looks at a picture of a cow, and sometimes he'll copy me when I do other animal sounds. And when he wants a banana, he points to one and says "nana"! It's so fun to see Tyson interact with him too. They love wrestling and Jeffrey gets the biggest kick out of being thrown in the air! He's just getting so big and smart. I guss with that comes defiance, and he knows how to throw a good tantrum. He's known how to kick and scream for a while now, but these past couple days its grown into falling on the floor and thrashing his legs. Its actually really funny to watch! I should get it on video sometime. Well, maybe not, I'm not sure if anyone else would appreciate the humor in it. :)
The strangest thing happened last night. I got home from school at about 10pm and came home to a messy house. (Thats not the strange thing...its messy quite often!) But when I walked in, I felt like cleaning!! I should go back a bit- our house isn't a pigsty, but with 3 boys here, it's not always the most picked up. I normally I dread cleaning, but I just couldn't make dinner with things all over the floor and table. So I guess it was more tidying than cleaning- but hey, I'll take it! It's such a good feeling to have a clean house. I feel like we're always so much happier when not surrounded by clutter.
I wanted to post some pictures as well, but I couldn't find my digital camera anywhere. Eek!
As soon as I find it, you'll get some.
Love and Kisses-
The firsts of January
1 day ago
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